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Many Fire Departments across New York State have fire-police squads that are a branch of the fire department.  Other departments that have fire-police officers remain under one entity. 


To be a fire-police officer, you must first be accepted as a firefighter.  Once accepted by an agency, you must adhere to the respective by-laws and constitution as well as the training requirements of that respective agency.


A firefighter who elects to be a fire-police officer must, under State Law, be appointed as such whether it be by the Village Clerk, Town Clerk or the Board of Commissioner's for the respective fire agency.  Then attend and successfully pass the current 21 hour fire-police course before engaging in any fire-police duties.


Under General Municipal Law, fire-police officers are peace officers, however, the law is very specific that the peace officer status is only when said fire-police officer responds to an emergency call with their sanctioned fire department.  Each fire-police officer's name is kept on file with the New York State Division of Criminal Justices Services registry. 

Some of the duties of a Fire-Police Officer are:  

Closing off a roadway and redirecting traffic, protecting fire apparatus at a fire scene, crowd control and public safety at a fire scene, among other duties.

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